Please note that the registration deadline is for filling out teams. You can sign forms past the registration deadline.

  1. 1 Teachers register students.

    Teachers must register teams for the competition. You may register as many teams as you would like, however, we only guarantee that two teams per-school will be able to participate in-person.

    All registrations are subject to approval by the HSOreCTF organizers.

  2. 2 Students confirm your email.

    Students need to be signed up by their teachers. You should recieve an email once your teacher has signed you up.

    We need to verify your email address is correct so that we can create your account on CTFd.

  3. 3 Parents/guardians sign participation forms.

    Students need to be signed up by their teachers. After your student has been signed up, you may need to sign additional forms in order for your student to be allowed to participate.

    If your student is not a minor, they may sign the forms for themselves.